About Us
Travel-Adapter.ch is the travel accessories store of Dupuis Informatique
Name of the service provider
Dupuis Informatique
Geographical address at which the service provider is established
Rue de la Poste 18, 1936 Verbier, Switzerland
e-mail : info@dupuis-informatique.ch
Phone: +41 (0)27 776 50 07
Registration in the Trade Register
Head office: Bagnes (VS)
Trade register number: CH-621.1.004.572-2
Bureau du registre de commerce: Canton du Valais
TVA CHE-105.276.10
Banking Relationship
UBS SA, CH-1936 Verbier
IBAN CH42 0026 4264 6250 0701 W
IBAN CH83 0900 0000 1720 4260 5
Method of payment
- Credit card, via Paypal
- Postcard, postal account via Postfinance (Swiss only)
- Pre-payment on the bank account (ask us for an invoice porforma / pdf if necessary)
- Invoice to 15 days, only companies domiciled in Switzerland, after validation of your file by our accounting department